Hi, I am Gaumaya Gurung. Right now, I feel intrigued. My position in MNS is Vice-President.
One thing that I am proud of achieving is leading an outreach eye camp in Gorkha recently. We conducted free eye tests for 456 villagers and provided 293 spectacles.
What do u think of the new trend that being “woke is cool”?
If the trend means being awake and aware from within, I am all in.
Are you scared of new beginnings? Why.
I too have fear of new beginnings, of messing it up. Learning to take it with humor has helped me create a healthy space to laugh, learn and grow from mistakes.
Your fav nepali quote/ (or song/ or album) is
Ful ko akhama fulai sansar ,Kadako akhama kadai sansara.
What excites you about MNS movement?
The platform which Merging NepSocs has created to connect young Nepalese diaspora from various entities is phenomenal. I am hopeful that the Mentoring Scheme and ICS will help younger generation to make informed career decision and in future relay back their skills and experience to serve the community. I feel positive that Merging NepSocs will grow to unite us intellectually, beyond our history, geography, caste and creed.