
Pawan Kandel



Hi, my dear NepSocians- let me share some secrets with you. Right now, I feel taken by the thoughts of the early days of the campaign – long journeys, cold weather and MNS icebreakers. My position in MNS EC is President.

One thing that I am proud of achieving in my life so far is the injection of philosophical thoughts which drives an openess of mind - an acceptance that the social reality is not to be taken seriously but to be ‘role-played’ in a beautiful manner.

What do you think of the new trend that being “woke is cool”?

I would say that this is one of the oldest trends since the beginning of human civilisation. The early birds have always been cooler than those who join the cult at the last minute. It appears that we spend most of our lives forgetting that we are ‘free to be awake’.

Are you scared of new beginnings? Why ?

New beginnings are exciting as they come with new energy, new hopes and storylines. Sometimes they can be accompanied by the closure of old chapters in life –this may be a difficult experience.

Your fav nepali quote/(or song/ or album) is...

Music has always been an important part of my living and I grew up listening to English, Hindi, and Nepalese songs (& Urdu Ghazals). In regards to Nepalese music, my journey has been as follows :


While typing this – “Yeti Chhokho, yeti mitho duila timilai maaya” and “Kehi mitho baata gara” by Narayan Gopal are on my top list!

What excites you about MNS movement?

(I) the way it brings together the disconnected part of the Nepalese communities and social groups (II) the friendships you develop with people you would never meet otherwise (III) team spirit while organising events IV) the sense of belonging you experience V) The after-parties!

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